Online Tracking Opt-Out Guide

Like many companies online, we use services provided by third parties that use tracking technology. These services rely on tracking technologies – such as cookies – to collect directly from your device information about your browsing activities, your interactions with websites, and the device you are using to connect to the Internet. There are a number of ways to opt out of having your online activity and device data collected through these services, which we have summarized below:

Note that because many of these opt-out mechanisms are specific to the device or browser on which you exercise them, you will need to opt out on every browser and device that you use.

California Residents' Privacy Rights

The CCPA grants California residents the following rights:

Please note that the CCPA limits these rights by, for example, prohibiting us from providing certain sensitive information in response to an access request and limiting the circumstances in which we must comply with a deletion request. If we deny your request, we will communicate our decision to you.

You are entitled to exercise the rights described above free from discrimination, as prohibited by the CCPA.

How to Submit a Request